08 9393 3373
08 9393 3373
08 9393 3373
What is MRI?
The science of equine MRI is growing rapidly, and knowing what to do with the information gained from an MRI study is the key to a sound horse. MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging is an imaging modality that utilizes the magnetic forces within the patientís cells to create an image. This allows both bone and soft tissue structures to be seen with excellent detail. Additionally, information on the underlying disease process can often be obtained from the MR image. No other diagnostic tool gives more detailed information regarding pathology in the anatomic structures involved. It eliminates questions and provides answers that no other diagnostic tool can provide.
MRI technology is the ìgold standardî in medical imaging of soft tissues including tendon, ligament, joint capsule and articular cartilage, giving exquisite anatomical detail and precise localisation of lesions. MRI also provides precise localisation and differentiation of various pathological processes in bone. MRI finds its greatest use in lameness conditions of the lower limb, principally the foot and has revolutionised the diagnosis of injuries/conditions formerly collectively grouped as ìnavicular syndromeî.
Most common MRI diagnoses are:
Suspensory ligament injuries
Navicular bone degeneration
DDFT tendonitis
Collateral ligament desmitis
Traumatic arthritis
Phalangeal bone bruises
Navicular collateral desmitis

Setting the standard:
The O-scan equine MRI unit is highly focused on optimizing performance and image quality. With the latest eXP technology it will substantially improve MRI examinations by reducing scan times and improving image quality. With the special 3D SHARC sequence for articular cartilage evaluation and the XBONE to evaluate bone marrow edema and soft tissue structures, our vets can easily make a complete assessment of the suspected parthology in a very short examination time. Whether and exsisting client or referal case it is important to us that horse owners have a full understanding of results found and discharge instructions. All MRI patients are discharged with reports from both our hospital clinician and external specialist MRI diagnostic reader.
Nuclear Scintigraphy
Nuclear Scintigraphy is the most effective method for visualising inflammation in the bone of the equine upper limb, pelvis and spine. It is a vital tool for the correct diagnosis of complex, multi-site, upper limb, or spinal lamenesses. Installed and commissioned in early 2017, our facility is the only operational equine bone scanner in Western Australia. It features the most advanced camera and scanning system currently available in the world. The scanning process is extremely safe and does not involve a general anaesthetic. Horses undergoing bone scanning will be admitted to hospital for approximately 2.5 days, usually arriving the afternoon before the scan is scheduled to occur. At the conclusion of the scan, horses will remain admitted to hospital for 48 hours to allow the nu clear-tagged inflammatory marker to decay to less-than-background radiation levels.